Leap Year Program in C

Leap Year Program in C

When you write the leap year program in C you will understand about converting mathematical requirement into code logic. It is important first to understand what a leap year is, it is then only we will be able to write a C program on it. Let’s take a look. Understanding a Leap Year In a … Read more

Prime Number Program in C

Prime Number Program in C

Prime number Program in C is a very interesting case that give you the opportunity to learn logic building before you start programming. Most other websites just give you the same program but in this article I will of course explain the program but also explain some more cases which I though but it does … Read more

Structure of a C Program

Structure of C Program

This article explains about the different parts of a C program or the Structure of a C Program and not abut structure user datatype in C. There is no specific convention defined as part of the standard C rule but in general as widely used we have a total of 7 parts in the Structure … Read more

Factorial Program in C

factorial program in c

Factorial of a number is a mathematical expression. First you need to understand how does the factorial number comes for a given number, then by using the same principle I will help you write the Factorial Program in C. I am writing all of my programs for beginners. If you already know the basics of … Read more

Hello World Program in C

Hello World Program in C

Even the huge buildings, shopping complex etc. are built brick by brick. Isn’t that so? Similarly to learn the basics of C language you may start from the very basic program in C which prints Hello World. When you start learning to ride a bicycle, you do not learn the nuts and blots! You just … Read more